This document explains all syntax features of core LionWiki. Syntax of tables (provided by plugin) is on separate page: Tables.
!Heading H2
!!Heading H3
!!!Heading H4
Heading H2
Heading H3
Heading H4
More exclamation marks you use, smaller heading is (up to 5 exclamation marks). This is different from WiKiss (possibly also TigerWiki), ! is used for H2, because H1 should be reserved for title. Exclamation marks has to be exactly at the start of the line.
Unordered list
* Fruit
** Apple
*** Granny smith
*** Golden delicious
** Orange
* Vegetables
** Garlic
** Onion
- Fruit
- Apple
- Granny smith
- Golden delicious
- Orange
- Apple
- Vegetables
- Garlic
- Onion
Ordered list
# First item
## First subitem
### First subsubitem
## Second subitem
# Second item
- First item
- First subitem
- First subsubitem
- Second subitem
- First subitem
- Second item
Bold, italic ...
'''Bold''' → Bold (three apostrophes)
''Italic'' → Italic (two apostrophes)
'''''Bold and italic''''' → Bold and italic (five apostrophes)
'—Strikethrough—' → Strikethrough
'__Underlined__' → Underlined
Emails, links, images
Links to other pages can be created like this:
[Main page] -> Main page
[Main project page|Main page] -> Main project page
Emails and web links are automatically recognized: -> ->
If you want to have different link and link text, you can use following syntax:
[LionWiki|] -> LionWiki
You can use also relative links, but they have to start with ./ (otherwise it will be interpreted as Wiki page)
So if you want to link some HTML page in the same directory, you use:
[Interesting page|./SomeWebPage.html] -> Interesting page
One bonus feature is link to article on Wikipedia of your language:
[?Albert Einstein] -> Albert Einstein
LionWiki can't upload files to the server (and will not), so you will have to place it somewhere manually.
[] →
You can use your image as your link: [|] →
You can also place your image to the left or right, possibly combined with link feature:
← [|left]
[||right] →
Some sequences of characters are automatically replaced:
- Arrows : <-- : ←, --> : →, <--> : ↔
- Copyrights : (c) or (C) : ©, (r) or (R) : ®
Code syntax is useful when you need to keep original spacing and layout of text, especially for programming source code.
{{import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
print "Hello",sys.argv[1]}}
import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
print "Hello",sys.argv[1]
Horizontal line
by -—-
Suppressing wiki syntax
By using ^ character before syntax keyword or using {{something}}. If you still don't know how, take a look on wiki code of this page, there are plenty of examples. If you want to insert ^ character, you have to double it, i.e. ^^
HTML code
Do you want to insert youtube video to your site? Or any other HTML code? Just insert it between {html}some html code{/html}.
LionWiki joins adjacent newlines together, if you need more than one newline, use {br}.