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Some cuby input files in YAML format can bee seen on Examples page.

YAML structures

The basic keyword->value record in cuby input looks like

keyword: value

In some cases, cuby uses subsections in input files to contain keywords specific to some part of the calculation. It is created as a list one level deeper, indented by two spaces:

  key1: value
  key2: value
  key1: different_value
  key2: value

Third feature of YAML used in cuby input files are arrays - ordered lists values. Array is written in YAML using - characters:

  - value1
  - value2
  - value3

Some keywords are read as comma-separated lists, but these are not recognized by YAML parser, but processed by cuby itself:

keyword: this, that, something else

Empty lines are ignored, # character starts comments.


YAML language specification does not allow the use of duplicate keys, but the ruby parser does not complain when it encounters this problems and just overwrites the value. Therefore, input

keyword: 1, 2, 3
keyword: 6, 7

sets the value of the key to "6, 7". Unfortunately, this is the behavior of the YAML parser itself, so it is not possible to warn the user when such duplicity is encountered.

Syntax highlighting

And advantage of standardized file format is that there are syntax highligters for it. If one is not a part of your favorite editor and the editor is vim, you can get the highilgter here