Basic functionality of Coordinate class. Can be replaced by C extension.
This file should not be loaded directly, but via coordinate.rb
class Coordinate = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0) # => Coordinate
Creates new Coordinate from three values, ommited arguments
are set to zero
self.[](*array) # => Coordinate
Creates new Coordinate using array notation (without brackets)
c = Coordinate[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
self.from_array(array) # => Coordinate
Creates new coordinate from array of three floats
c1 = Coordinate([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])
c2 = Coordinate(some_array)
self.from_coordinate(coordinate) # => Coordinate
Write to components
Following three methods provide write to the coordinate elements
with type checking.
x=(value) # => Float (value written)
y=(value) # => Float (value written)
z=(value) # => Float (value written)
deep_copy # => Coordinate
Creates real copy of the object
dup # => Coordinate
Creates real copy of the object
set_coord(coordinate) # => nil
Sets the coordinate (its elements) from other object
Element access
[](index) # => Float
Returns selected element
c = Coordinate[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
=> 3.0
[]=(index,value) # => Float (value written)
Write to element selected by index
c = Coordinate[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
c[0] = 1.0
=> Coordinate: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Type conversion
to_s # => String
Conversion to string
Coordinate[1.0, 2.0, 3.0].to_s
=> "Coordinate: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]"
inspect # => String
Equal to to_s with prepended newline for nice irb output.
to_a # => Array of Floats
Converts Coordinate to Array
Coordinate[1.0, 2.0, 3.0].to_a
=> [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
to_coordinate # => Coordinate
Allows conversion of descendants to Coordinate
each_index # => nil
Iterate over indexes
each # => nil
Iterate over elements
collect # => Coordinate
Iterate over elements, results of the block are returned as new Coordinate
map # => Coordinate
Synonym for collect
map! # => nil
Iterate over elements, result of the block replaces original value of element
Unary operators
+@ # => self
Unary plus. Does nothing.
-@ # => Coordinate
Unary minus. Returns deep copy with all x,y,z multiplied by -1.0
Operators: coordinate - coordinate
+(coordinate) # => Coordinate
Coordinate addition
-(coordinate) # => Coordinate
Coordinate subtraction
plus!(coordinate) # => nil
In-place coordinate addition, faster than using a = a + b
minus!(coordinate) # => nil
In-place coordinate subtraction, faster than using a = a - b
dot_product(coordinate) # => Float
Dot product
dot(coordinate) # => Float
Dot product, synonym for dot_product
cross_product(coordinate) # => Coordinate
Cross product
Operators: coordinate - something else
*(operand) # => Coordinate | Float (Coordinate * Coordinate)
Multiplication operator, allows Coordinate * Numeric or Coordinate,
returns dot product for Coordinate * Coordinate.
/(operand) # => Coordinate
Division of coordinate by number (Numeric)
== (coordinate) # => true | false
=~ (coordinate) # => true | false
Loose comparison, difference between each pair of elements must be
smaller than class variable epsilon.
Coordinate.epsilon=(value) # => Float (value written)
Sets threshold for loose comparison (class variable epsilon)
Coordinate.epsilon # => Float
Reads threshold for loose comparison (class variable epsilon)
normalize # => Coordinate
Returns normalized vector
normalize! # => nil
In-place version of normalize
distance(coordinate) # => Float
Distance between two points specified by coordinates
dist(coordinate) # => Float
Synonym for distance
angle(coordinate) # => Float
Angle between two 3D vectors in space (in radians)
angle_deg(coordinate) # => Float
Angle between two 3D vectors in space (in degrees)