rand_gauss # => float
Generator of random numbers with gaussian distribution. Currently, we use quick n' dirty algorithm, better one can be found in module mod_extend_math.
generate_maxwell_velocity(atom, temperature)
Generates random velocity for one atom from Maxwell distribution at given temperature
Generates random velocity for all atoms in the geometry from Maxwell distribution at given temperature
Translational velocity of the whole system is subtracted from atomic velocities.
angular_momentum # => Coordinate
Calculates angular momentum of the system, providing its center of mass is in origin of coordinates
moment_of_inertia # => [[ixx,ixy,ixz],[ixy,iyy,iyz],[ixz,iyz,izz]]
Calculates moment of inertia of the system, providing its center of mass is in origin of coordinates
Returns array, not Matrix (for more efficiency)
angular_velocity # => Coordinate
Calculates angular ivelocity of the system, providing its center of mass is in origin of coordinates
Basic Verlet algorithm updating coordinates and velocities of all atoms in the system.
Formulation from Gromacs manual